Most Trending Abayas of 2017
Abayas and hijab can increase the beauty of women.Man want to see the hidden things but if women are displaying herself,man does'nt give her so much respect.Every man loves the women who belongs to respectable family.Muslim women should wear abayas or hijab because she is a precious creation in all creations of Allah.Next reason to wear abayas for women is that it is an order of Allah subhan wa ta'ala that : "O Prophet,tell your wives and daughters and believing women to cover themselves with a loose garment.They will thus be recongnize and no harm will come to them."
If we don't use loose garment any time,we should make abaya because we have to protect ourselves first.The abaya covers the whole body except head,feet and hands.Some women wear gloves to cover thier hands and mostly women wear niqab to cover her face too.The abaya is most common in countries with large population of muslim women.
Abayas are designed by regions and cultures of every country.In Pakistan,India abayas are mostly black.But women always search new designs of abayas and hijabs.For this purpose i am going to show you some trending abayas hijab designs,Which is most trending in social media like Instagram and Pinterest and other social media.
These abayas are getting popularity day by day and its not very common yet.But when you buy these abayas,women will feel that they should wear these unique designs of abayas.Abayas are increasing women beauty and if you want to increase your beauty you should wesr abaya.Because everyone want to know the secret of hidden things.
There are so many types of abayas are coming in the markets.Front open abaya,Net abaya,chiffon abaya,lace abayas,two layered abayas,double color abayas,embroidery abayas and much more.

These net and chiffon abayas are very beautiful and women love these types of abayas. These are very unique because Pakistanis and Indian women doesnt wear these types of abayas due to their climate.These abayas are only for winter season if you are Pakistani or Indian.

If you want to look amazing and stylish than dont think so much just go and shop new abayas for yourself and for your mother & daughter.Because they are precious too.